Citizencon 2949 Carrack Plushie
The CitizenCon 2949 Carrack Plushie was available as part of the Digital Goodies Pack along with the CitizenCon 2949 Trophy, CitizenCon 2949 Decorative Telescope, and CitizenCon 2949 Full Armor Set.

Pico the Penguin
This adorable mascot of New Babbage loves nothing more than carving their way down the snow covered slopes of microTech. It can be bought for 150 UEC.

Pico the Penguin with Snowboard Plush
This adorable mascot of New Babbage loves nothing more than carving their way down the snow covered slopes of microTech. This one is holding a snowboard. It can be bought for 150 UEC.

Pico the Penguin Snowboarding Plush
This adorable mascot of New Babbage loves nothing more than carving their way down the snow covered slopes of microTech. This one is riding a Snowboard. It can be bought for 150 UEC.

Pico the Penguin Party Animal Green
This special Pico plush was part of the Birthday Pack Goodies for Star Citizen’s anniversary in 2020.

Luminalia Pico 2020
This Pico was given out as one of the gifts for Luminalia 2950.

Finley the Stormwhal
Finley is a blue Stormwhal and the official mascot of Crusader Industries. It can be bought in two sizes– Small for 75 UEC and Large for 150 UEC.

Francis the Stormwhal
Francis is a pink/purple Stormwhal. It can be bought in two sizes– Small for 75 UEC and Large for 150 UEC.

C2 Hercules Starlifter Plushie
Available as Subscriber Flair in February 2022. This was given to all Centurion-level and Imperator-level Subscribers at that time.

M2 Hercules Starlifter Plushie
Available as Subscriber Flair in February 2022. This was given to all Imperator-level Subscribers at that time.

A2 Hercules Starlifter Plushie
Available as Subscriber Flair in February 2022. This was available through the Subscriber-exclusive store.

Cutlass Black Plushie
Available as Subscriber Flair in October 2022. This was given to all Centurion-level and Imperator-level Subscribers at that time.

Cutlass Red Plushie
Available as Subscriber Flair in October 2022. This was given to all Imperator-level Subscribers at that time.

Cutlass Blue Plushie
Available as Subscriber Flair in October 2022. This was available through the Subscriber-exclusive store.

Cutlass Steel Plushie
Available as Subscriber Flair in October 2022. This was available through the Subscriber-exclusive store.

Francis the Party Animal Plushie
The The Francis the Party Animal Plushie was available as part of the Citizen Con 2952 Digital Goodies Pack along with the Falston Jumpsuit Shubin Edition, Cuesta Shoes, and GP-33 Mod Umber Grenade Launcher.

Pico the Penguin Luminalia
Given out for Day 9 of the Luminalia 2952 Advent Calendar.

Finley the Stormwal Luminalia Plushie
Given out for Day 11 of the Luminalia 2952 Advent Calendar.

CitizenCon 2953 [REDACTED] Ship Plushie
The CitizenCon 2953 [REDACTED] Ship Plushie was available as part of the Digital Goodies Pack along with the Frontier Undersuit & Helmet, CitizenCon 2953 Trophy, Outlaw Shotgun, Headhunter Gang Relic Collectible, Pyrotechnic Amalgamated Multitool & Case, Ship Challenge Coin, and CitizenCon 2953 Dragonfly Paint.

Twenty-Sided Plushie Set
Available as Subscriber Flair in September 2023. This was available through the Subscriber-exclusive store. Ready to roll? Make your randomly generated numbers a little more squeezable with these plush icosahedrons in red, green, and blue. Each surface of each large die features a different easy-to-read number.